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What is your worst habit?

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mrs.chappie | 21:27 Fri 26th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Apparently I burst into song a lot and drive folk mad.


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You had that beast last really had the upper hand there.I cant beleive it's still there.
I'm still in here to irritate the ba$tard and it feels goodddd

rather see them swim that way they would get the full compliment of the smell....then sink in it...LOL
Gosh imhotep , you sound ravishing , oh , actually my puppy Jack Russell burps after his meal too :-D x
Does he now bigmamma?
My niece has got a Jack Russell called Buster.He's getting on a bit now.Last time we went to se her,her Jack Russell was still as feisty as ever.He's a lovely little dog.
Although i've never heard him burp....but i've heard that he does break wind a little bit.
Hi Mrs C:

I`ve thought and thought and thought and, honestly, Mrs C, I just don`t seem to have any!


`cept, maybe, mentioning a photo I can`t send! But just you wait and see...........
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LOL @ Tina. Hey lass, there must be summat, surely .... Come on now, have a right good think.

Hey Joy, are ya having a bit of trouble with someone on here?
biting skin around my nail
staying up to late
getting up too late!!!!!!

enough for now

hey crazycath keep the hands from wandering bet people love to hear you talk!!!
No, honestly, I`m beginning to think that I`m perfect. Do you think that could be so?

I think Pinktwink would be agree with me.
Okay, then. Since you pushed me:

I`m addicted to the Judge Judy show.


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