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Michael Jackson is not dead.

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10ClarionSt | 00:14 Sat 27th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
It's a conspiracy! After all, no-ones gonna come looking for you if they think you're dead are they?


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well i never knew Michael had died.
actually, i hope it is a conspiracy, it might be the best part about it all.
If he isn`t dead he`ll have to spend the rest of his days wearing a mask whenever he goes out...
ah well thats done it for me another conspiracy story so before i think i am a moonman i shall retire with dignity good night all if i see this michael jackson i shall pass on your regards
Goodnight Dave. Give Nessie a big hug. Hope you both sleep well. xxx
has his corpse been seen
thank you mrs chappie nessie is fine i am suffering from a sore foot but still able to walk the dog goodnight to you and we hope that you are keeping well
I'm keeping fine, thanks buddy. Sorry to hear about your sore foot. What have ya been up to?
mrs chappie i have been told after an mri scan that i have a degenerated spine and i will always have a severe pain in my foot but i think i am lucky when i see people in wheelchairs at least i can still walk
Michael...........................has probably or possibly been abducted by aliens and will be part of the never-ending la la la la la la la la...
Hmmmm,I wonder if there might be anyone who looks like M.J. out there.You never can tell....there is always the chance that there might be someone who looks like yourself!!!
Michael is in Gweru Zimbabwe hanging out with Elvis. Elvis isoften seen crammed in the back of an african taxi singing teddy bear its hot in here.

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Michael Jackson is not dead.

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