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john1066 | 23:18 Sun 28th Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Be good or you might go hell and meet a drug -crazed paedophile there.Know what I mean?


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I don't wanna be good... guess I'm doomed...
no , what do you mean?
hell is surely an imaginary place created by religous people to keep us all in line i know when i was married a priest told me that i would go to hell because we didnt marry in his chapel so i closed the door and told him to go to hell
ah well nobody else joining in they have all gone to bed well goodnight to you all must go for my glass of grouse and maybe dream that you have an answer before i switch off
''hell is surely an imaginary place created by religous people to keep us all in line''

Phew... thanks for clearing that up for me danes... so... I can continue being 'not good' without fear of eternal damnation...
well it works for me snags.....
... that's good enough for me!
Could you possibly be talking about Michael Jackson!?
I don't know what you mean either john.

Hello Daneswalk - if you've gone now, enjoy that drop of grouse. If you're still there....ditto! : )
If it is a Jacko "joke" it`s the worst one so far

(Worst meaning you wouldn`t send it on as a text)
Have there been MJ jokes going around then Elvis ;-)
Just the odd one or two snags
he obviously means Edward the confectioner
lot of corruption around in those days lol

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