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Arwe you actively slaughtering tonight MWB, or just gently crawling from the touchline?
CABBAGE- A word used to describe legs genetalia which has become large green and wrinkled due to various infections caught from homosexual encounters and underuse in the hetrosexual way of sex.

The cabbage is also called this for the state his brain is in from sitting sometimes 48 hours nonstop hunched over a computer while he attempst childish humour,inane drivel and trying to land himself a girl/boy friend but never seems to work.
The cabbage is native to scotland,but due to his constant "drunken cabbage battering" his female counterpart has set up seed with a new vegetable and has taken baby cabbage with her and Daddy cabbage has found new ways to spring up in tenerife,even though scots cabbages are not a threat to the tenerife variety as he's no threat to the female variety as he's mainly a homosexual.
The cabbage is usually followed everywhere by a red pepper tomato faced hybrid called a "knobby" who has found himself growing out of his usual growing place due to his wife plant leaving him!


O W N E D !
Thanks mwb,you just helped own your master

P M S L!
Whats happened to their ignore him get him angry game?

By the silence ill say it looks like its backfired on them!
He never mentioned who was being ignored so nobody knew who to ignore. Under such conditions the default is to ignore everybody until otherwise advised. Hope this helped?
Question Author
Yes, the stupid does burn.

That was on that one thread.

Clown RULES.Where is your missiah now?
night whifffey, clown et al..x
Night craft.
the g@yssiah noway remains wjere he's always been........................

under my boot

wishing he was me.............

aint that right f@gorro/zorro?


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Do you know the answer?

This is for the cabbage/trolls.

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