We watched Andy Murry win his his way through to the quarter finals last night. He did it, but a made hard work of it! Looks like a fine day is on it's way here in Gloucestershire this morning. I said that yesterday and it chucked down!Oh well. Have a good'un anyway everyone.
Sounds like a good plan to me lexie. I'm having a lazy(ish) day today. we have a charter tomorrow on the canal, but that is always a pleasure. Enjoy having a laze! xx
I'm far too late to get a mention.. hay ho!! the curse of waking up at two and not getting back to sleep til five!!! then there's the birds nest that insists on being my hair!! have a lovely sunny day people.. ;-)
wbm - typical.. it's my one night out in a blue moon tonight.. so might have to snatch 40 winks this afternoon!!! Will be in a fit state for nothing tomorrow... hopefully!!! ;-)
Another lovely day here. DAughter No.1 went back to London yesterday to finish off her midwifery but is back on Island for good in a month. Drs this morn with MIL then dentist . School dance prasctice this afternoon . Went to these guys last night. Had to hold my face I was laughing so much. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RH6-sNOUidc
Morning everyone.
Lexie you have given me the perfect excuse not to do the ironing. Mind you if I dont do it soon everyone will be walking around naked anyway, definitely not a pretty sight.
We had a thundery shower yesterday so its a lot fresher here at the moment