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i like to listen to the news in the morning

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No,Knowledge | 08:08 Wed 01st Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
but apparently the only thing to happen over the last few days is a pop star, who had disappeared off the radar has died

it's p*ssing me off good style now.


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morning nk, would you like some breakfast?

Thank God its been driving me nuts too. I thought I was the only one.
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i have had my muesli sara and 2 cups off coffee...........are we on the same wave length?
absolutely. if they're not talking about him they're playing his music. the DJ's talk about him, then the news reader talks about him, then they play his music.

more than enough for me!
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i was referring to the breakfast (wondered if it had a hidden meaning)

catch you later sara x x


well I've had a coffee, but am hungry ;o)
and the funeral (and build up) is still to come
ott yanks having a crying competition
I know what you mean No K. All I want to know in the morning is what's really going on in the world, not some of the irrelevant trivia which the BBC seem to regard as top news. They're just doing an item "the secret life of the Wimbledon strawberry". For God's sake, what's going on in Iran!
What I do now is have a quick look at CNN, France 24, even Al Jazeera. They don't seem to have dumbed down to such a dismal level as the BBC.
whose died?

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i like to listen to the news in the morning

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