It's about the only way you CAN kill them tamb. Tough as old boots - and then some. We get quite a few, because they like nesting round trees and rotten stumps. I swear if one came on me I'd have a heart attack. I don't mind spiders, I can cope with rodents, fogs, snakes - anything but insects.
Me too....beetles (except ladybirds) are my nightmare. If outside at dusk I get bombarded by the stag beetles, google says they're extinct - wish that was true :(
They obviously aren't looking in the right places! We get odd ones round here. ANOTHER nasty-looking thing as well!! Shudder.
I got one stuck in the leg of my jeans one day. Didn't notice it was there at first, and then saw a lump.....which I prodded....It didn't move, so I thought it might've ben a hard ball of fluff from the tumble dryer. Then it DID move! I pulled those jeans off quicker than a bolt of lightning - and out crawled this stag beetle. OMG.