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PeeBee1 | 15:18 Fri 03rd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
or have any of you lied on your cv??


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No never....and I've been offered every job I've applied for bar one. So I'm either brilliant........or set my sights too low...
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Craft, you are brilliant
aw thanks're pretty special too....
hehe craft x

you make ma laugh x
-- answer removed --
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Awww, bless you x
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What did you fib about Karma??
I have lied by omission.
I was brought up in children's homes,when I left school and started applying for jobs I always put the full address of the children's home on applications(including the name of said home),I soon realised I wasn't getting invited for interviews because of this so started to omit the name and just used the street address.
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Aww Daffy, society hey!!
People can be so judgemental about kids homes,they rarely have any idea why the children are in them and just assume that they are/were unruly etc.In my case I was placed in care(along with my 6 siblings) because my mum was in and out of prison - and when she was at home was a useless waste of space at parenting.Obviously none of this was my fault but I was still shunned by many because of it.I learned to develop a very thick skin at an early
I have lied (hangs head in shame)

I put down that I got a C in GCSE Maths when I really got a D but I have a C in English and Science and those are the three that Employers like you to have a good grade in so I didn't want maths letting me down
Oh also dates of employment - I might have stretched them out a bit to cover periods of unemployment (only had one short stretch of unemployment so far)

Most people do lie on their CV or in their interview.

I believe isometimes it is absolutely necessary to lie in order to get a job for instance if you have been sacked or if you have been unemployed (depends on reasons but sometimes yeah def best to lie)
its not lies its embellishment.
precisely ankou lol x
yes, quite a bit - to cover my periods of being a dosser

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