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Is no-one on CB

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noway2 | 03:47 Mon 06th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
going to bed?


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no what about you your man is waiting
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Pink.He's gone home.He's my weeking lover.
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weekind,I mean
I'll have to go now. One of my mutts won't go bye byes until I do and the poor little sod's got bags under his eyes, he's been staring at me for hours! Better go.

Thanks for a lovely couple of hours guys. Take care. x
thought he was your hubbie
Night paraffin. x
Can he still WALK home, noway????? Hope he lives close by!
night parrafin
Question Author
Night guys,tommow is another day.Well for you guys it is,god knows how long I have lef.........................................
oh jeeezzz ^^^^^^^^^ ;-((
BH noway!!! Are you drunk???

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Is no-one on CB

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