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Torential downpour and thunder/lightening in these parts

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dot.haukes | 18:11 Mon 06th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
i think the back garden is flooding! This is ridiculous!!!


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Barmaid it's just clicked you meant Bury st edmunds lol i was thinking you meant our Bury up here! that's one heck of a drive i thought, lol
Sorry dot,
Still warm and sunny down here in East Sussex (Rye).
Many Apologies.
No need to be scared of Thunder and Lightning.

The thunder cannot hurt you.

If the lightning does strike you you won't know anything about it before it kills you.
lol Dot! yes I did.

Funnily enough, about a year ago I had a case at Bury County Court. Turned up there, it wasn't listed. Then it dawned on me by looking at the addresses that they meant Bury in Lancs. I phoned my clerks and explained the **** up so they phoned the solicitors who asked me to drive to Bury, Lancs. No chance!!! lol

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