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Is it safe here frrom th evera squad?

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leggymezziah | 12:13 Tue 07th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
Whats crackalackin folks?

And i dont mean cake either


some people : o)


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I now can't get the image of dot's harris out of my mind...

vibra... its your fault for planting the seed (so to speak)...
Vibra planted a seed in dot's ass???? Now this is getting a bit rude guys
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Its your filth-ridden mind daffy lol...
i can't believe that vibrasphere, we must have been on the same thread more than a few times. i am quite surprised as your name is very familiar to me.
''we have not even said hello yet''

Jeeez... you'll be wanting to exchange little gifts and small talk next...

Get in there!!! :-o

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Is it safe here frrom th evera squad?

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