How lovely. We went to Governor's garden party ( Gov of Isle Of Man ) on Sunday .Np champers but a naice cuppa and teeny sarnies. It was a great afternoon. Yes terday was our National Day and we went to Tynwald and did lots of Manx dancing and now I am on crutches!! Boo Hoo!! Still might only be for a few days if I am sensible ((!! )) and keep my foot elevated.
Rinkins ....we were dancing on grass and one of our dancers ricked her ankle and asked for someone else to dance in her place..... so I did....right in her place and turned my ankle in same hole!! DER!! Still is only soft tissue injury and am putting it in ice alot ( ow ow ow) flying to London on Fri to better by then!!
ooh ouch!! Knackered my ankles dancing too so I know what it's like! Was a while ago though!! Still can never stop dancing when I get the chance!! Where are you then?