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Bank charges ????

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jonah hart | 14:30 Thu 09th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I no this int the right place to put this but need quick responce :-) my brothers just topped his phone up using his bank card .. An found out he didn't have enough in to cover it.. So Halifax is charging him 35 pound 4 it an 28 pound next month eh!!! I thought they wernt allowed to do that anymore am I right? It was only a 10 pound top up ... :-(


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Sounds like he has gone overdrawn without permission. Yes they can charge.
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63 pound tho? That's never right ... I'm sure I heard somewhere that there not allowed to do that anymore .. Altho I no they have to charge something or we'd all be going overdrawn ... Wish I cud remember wat I heard .. Still stinks tho ...
The bank see it as 'unauthorised borrowing' - regardless of whether your brother went over by 1p or �50...

They are allowed to do it... hence all the 'reclaim unfair bank charges' guff on the internet at the moment...

�63 sounds a bit steep though... usually it is between �30-�40 per transaction...
Tell him to tell them not to allow an unauthorised overdraft. If he tries to top up with insufficient funds he won't be able to.

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Bank charges ????

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