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Sore ear canal

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tamirra | 09:10 Fri 10th Jul 2009 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
Morning, my husband snores very loud when asleep, so ive started to put cotton wool in my ears at night, does anyone know why when i do this my ear, only on the left side gets very sore and sensitive to the touch, not the outside but in the actual ear, also i get earache only again that side, it happens most of time when i use the cotton wool, any help appreciated please. Thank you


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Your left ear may have some underlying problem which has been brought to the fore by inserting the cotton wool.

See your GP and he will take a look.
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I do suffer with bruxism very bad, and that also always gives me problems on my left side, never my right, the left hand side of my jaw socket is wearing away as this was seen on an x-ray at the dentist, i suffer with servere headaches due to the grinding which leaves me feeling very ill for a while afterwards, could the bruxism be the main cause of the cotton wool in the ears too do you think??
tamirra.......almost certainly.
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Really Sqad, do you know if they could do anything to help me?
tamirra I am no expert on dental problems, but why not ask your dentist and perhaps be referred to a facio-maxillary surgeon.
maybe the cotton wool is drying out your ear canal and that can make it sore. my son uses proper earplugs with a smear of vaseline on them and has found that much better than cotton wool, both for blocking sound and comfort.
i've suffered from dry, itchy, sore ear canals for the last few years and find that a very tiny smear of cortisone cream on a cotton bud, gently inserted into the ear every now and again, say once or twice a month, or less if it's not a problem, really settles it down.

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Sore ear canal

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