Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar
If you're going to call someone a liar, then you have to be truthful yourself.
So who are you really?
Are you Knobby?
Answers on a post card to child like dullness uber alles A.B Towers cyber space.
No I dont think it's knobby.Would you want to keep bringing this up if it peeved-of
Fri 10/07/09
Ermmmm pot kettle please haukes.
Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar
knob.It's someone feom pauls house full of sh!t
Well it's obvious they're not a newbie, so who is it really?
Come on stooly don't keep us in suspense, who are you really, I'm getting an early night and the excitement is killing me.
Did I say excitement, I meant to say excrement.
Grow up! The lot of yous!
Hey peeved if you want to hire a hit man everton is your man
Wed 27/08/08
15:51 No, don't watch Corie but I hate Magi Clarke I once drove a number 19 bus round Kirkby for 6 months just so I could run her over.
What could be better than a number 22 with 67 witnesses on it