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Why did the Ed ban krazydiamond yet

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SamDingle | 22:54 Fri 10th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
let people like this post

Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar



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As with what certain green trolls posted, the Ed knows that this comment was very much out of order.
And quite a long time ago...............
yes sam it was a response to vile insults and death threats that were a million times worse but that's ok cos it was only knobby the cuddly c0ckerney , still that post is technically removed from the site and only persists because people like knobby love the attention
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ice krazy never used any bad words whiffy and Dot got him banned they thought he was Legend or Knobby dot had a go at him the day he joined but he just ignored them at first
Actually it wasnt a response to death threats these were invented and are lies.

its just more smoke and mirrors the willing will believe it .

Ice maiden apparently dot wasnt banned for that post.which begs the question.
if thats not abusive.
then what is ?
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Allo Dad
ffs behave sam
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I ave fed the pigs
the real zak would never say ffs !!!!!!!!!!

Well I am very very peeved of now leg
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You dont know Zak

Did ya watch the clangers
If it was reported, then I'm sure that any name used would've been banned temporarily - which goes for anyone who's been insulting or offensive - according to the Ed.
What was said about knobby's wife was indefensible, but the way in which he replied was also unpleasant, lies or not.
I think the whole sorry saga's one to be left alone right now.
no i was not banned for that post. the post was banned but i wasn't, i was banned because i was taking the mick out of the ed on a thread that was taking the mick out of the ed, but it was not meant to be a permanent zapping of my id, just a zapping of the posts and the thread, (not my thread btw) but they made a mistake and the whole 25,000+ posts went, and they apologised, though i did get annoyed, but i have got over it and moved on. Forgive me for using a foreign language legend i shall translate I got over it and moved on
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Mon 29/06/09
13:36 I've been banned more times than you've had hot dinners, usually when I do another green knobby.

hi dusty whats cracklinnnnnnn?�?�'

icey youre wastin your time
funnily enough dot sent me an edited email from the ed at the time saying shed been banned but would be reinstated he sent me one too and whiffy.

neither of the three names was reinstated

believe dot if you want but we cant all be telling the truth and i know im not lying and have nothing to gain by it I really dont give a f**k.

dot go away
if you persist in being abusive and naughty then im sure you will be reported by people who are finding this argumentative and dull.

go and annoy someone who gives a f**k becaus at this moment in time im the one person on cb least likely give a f**k you could meet.

infact if you were in a psoition where you needed someone to give a f**k and i had a big box full of f**ks and you asked me



please give a f**k

id say


dont you know??



Fri 10/07/09

no i was not banned for that post. the post was banned but i wasn't, i was banned because i was taking the mick out of the ed on a thread that was taking the mick out of the ed, but it was not meant to be a permanent zapping of my id, just a zapping of the posts and the thread, (not my thread btw) but they made a mistake and the whole 25,000+ posts went, and they apologised, though i did get annoyed, but i have got over it and moved on. Forgive me for using a foreign language legend i shall translate I got over it and moved on

Lies lies and evrn more lies you fuking ugly old hag.

Well If I get banned for saying this then I am sure that you should be banned for saying this.

Fri 13/03/09
00:18 Lies and more lies knobby, go shag your fat ugly desperate chavvy wife with the bleached straw hair that needs a good cut and style to cover her bald patch, or did you leave her shagging the barman in the hotelbar

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Why did the Ed ban krazydiamond yet

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