going to France in The AnswerBank: Travel
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going to France

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lilypoppyfre | 12:04 Wed 01st Jul 2009 | Travel
5 Answers
my husband has now decided that he wants to spend his remaining years in France, preferably in the South.. The problem is that I do not like the sun and the sun does not like me...since my husband is ill and I shall be looking after him as well as after our dogs, we have compromised and I am now looking ( to rent for a couple of months, and then look for something to buy) .....Is there a site which would give me the average weather in the different departments as I need a place where the climate is temperate in the summer and mild in winter.....I am in my 70s , fit, but would rather not take pot luck in choosing a town....Anyone who can help ???
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Take note the French have recently changed the law to restrict access to their health service if you've never paid national Insurance in France.

http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1572 647/British-expats-must-find-French-health-cov er.html
If your husband is ill, I would certanly NOT consider moving to France (or any other country).

I will be blunt here, but if you have to look after him AND the dogs, and you dont like sun, I think he is being rather selfish asking you to move to France.

You dont say what his ilness is, but suppose it gets worse in France and he has to be rushed to a specialist hospital.

You will have to go with him, and who will then look after the dogs.

Sorry, but if he wanted to live in France he should have gone in his 40s or 50s.

Going in your 70s (with him ill as well) is a VERY bad idea.

Just put your foot down and say you are not going.

All this is on top of the comment jake made above which is an extra consideration.
here's what you asked for, although I agree with replies one and two

http://www.wunderground.com/NORMS/DisplayIntlN ORMS.asp?CityCode=11518&Units=both
What about Torquay as a suitable compromise? 1000 palm trees can't be wrong.
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sorry I am a bit late in replying...
Thank you to Jake the Peg, VHG, Buildersmate for their comments. Of course, you are right. However.....I didn't tell all.My husband - now suffering from dementia - has an elder brother as his only remaining family who, alas, is physically unable to travel but mentally very alert..I can see the time when my husband will be unable or unwilling to travel and that was a great plus for my moving abroad.I have considered - and have got quotes - for an insurance over there for the next 5 years and am happy (ish) with it.

My special thanks go to OJRead who gave me the website to find temperatures and weather conditions in the different departments.

We are off next month to rent for a month a gite near Annecy and later on another month in La Rochelle..

The dogs will stay here during our travels with friends.
Again, my thanks to all who replied to me on this ( and other ) site.

I have no doubt that in a few months' time, I shall be writing again.

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