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5 horses to follow............

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stokemaveric | 13:35 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
secret society...1.50 ascot....kingdom of light...2.05 york....imbong...2.50....ascot....riggins....3.10...york....and my outsider of the day....osteopath in the 2.35 at york.....


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Can you bet on then to lose stokey
Quick I could get 4 up here
Oh balls
so how were your tips for York yesterday stoke..........haven't spoken to the daughter yet.............should I ring her or hide?
Yeehah, did Gertmegalush 2.05 York. Won at 25/1.
Question Author
well done jan......
I'm on a roll, just had a 16/1 winner, Sirvino 3.10 York. Whooohooo

Got 2 left to run, Strike Up The Band 3.30 Chester and Zennerman 5.15 Chester. Decided to do outsiders today.

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5 horses to follow............

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