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john1066 | 11:17 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Where did the word "Okay" (OK) originate. It is used in all countries and languages, I once spoke to a girl in the back streets of Hong Kong and she said "Okay" It must be the most used word internationally, apart from the obvious !! x


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apart from the obvious !! x

john1066 Sat 11/07/09 10:17

the obvious?.................................Tw@t?????
They say it in Spain all the time, tho their own word for "okay" is val� (pron. baa-leh).
hola no mercy mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Hola guapo. No te visto ahi ! Te apetece hablar conmigo en Yahoo antes de las cuatro, esta tardes? Espero hablar contigo luego.... xxx
^ OK whatever that means?
Just asked him if he fancied a chat on yahoo messenger sometime before 4 this afternoon.

I am trying to refine my Spanish, as it is slipping now that I'm not there full-time. LOL. I really need to knuckle down and become more advanced a speaker.
�el ahhh i considera que me preguntaba? esperanza, y su bastante bueno en �l. No entend�a una palabra de ella.

good on ya, keep at it. (I'm still learning Geordie ;-)
Humph ! Another post and run , how rude !

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