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oi, Barmaid!

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sara3 | 02:11 Sat 11th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
well? how did it go?



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Really lovely evening! He is a very polite, well spoken gentleman with a gorgeous lilting scottish accent and portuguese colouring! He wants to see me tomorrow, but I am busy.

Didn't get a snog though. :(
Question Author
oooooohhh... so have you made another date?
He is going to call me on Sunday to fix up date 2.

Date 2 had better involve a snog as well - he has a hugely kissable mouth.

He did say tonight he wanted me to meet his children, which I thought was a bit much. Poor kids, they don't need me inflicting upon them this early!!!!

im just home darling


well done bramaid sounds ok

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he'll change his mind after date no. 2 ;o)

he sounds yum! fingers crossed for you.

I've gotta go to bed now. my friend didn't stay.. all that extra bloody cleaning for no good reason :o/

night night xx
Bum Sara! Night, sleep well.

Leg - the last one sounded good at this stage - it was only 4 months later the truth unfolded!!!!
SCOTTISH? PORTUGUESE SKIN? KIDS?........are you sure it wasn't a nightmare...........Prognosis?...POOR.

You need someone like wot i am.
what would she want with a miserable, impotent ,sexist fossil?
lmao at NoK
sounds ok you ok with the fact he has kids????

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oi, Barmaid!

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