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Have you ............

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ReallyLegend | 22:38 Mon 13th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Have you ever done something crazy and mad on the spur of the moment ?

And if so .

Would you like to share it with us alll tonite ???


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I thought you were going to the airport.....

And are you trying to tell us something? lol
Agreed to marry my husband after only going out with him for 3 weeks.
have you learnt how to write in proper sentences now?
Question Author
Sorry folks i just had a leakage of urine there.

Comedic genius is so rare on cb these days .

ive done someBODY on a mad crazy spur of the moment type thing, as for the details ..nope cant possibly share then.
i dyed my hair last week on a spur of the moment type thought and i know have red,orange,pink,purple,blue,green and blonde in my hair . it resembles josephs coat infact.
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Know have or now have ?


gotta go home now

totally. Been chatting to this guy from here, hes totally crazy bout me. Hes been hurt before when his partner left him for a guy she met onlne. Its so ironic. Hes paying her back. Hm maybe hes not being strait with me but he swore that while shes the mom of his boy she cant be trusted cept for a ride. been skyping and everything.
Brilliant dusty! Do you want a pair of these to match? or%20Striped%20Socks.jpg
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Like the piccy icey lol

ooooooooooooooooh la la la al al laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
icey i have about 20 pairs of those socks all in different colours and patterns lmao

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