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Is nickj1209,a computer?

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Mr Veritas | 12:35 Tue 14th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Well, I presume we have all come across nickj1209?
This is ABe'r that floods various categories with what are obviiously quiz/competition questions.
Who never thanks/acknowledges any help/answers.
Who in fact seems to be completely anonymous.
This led me to wonder if these questions are posted by a computer,which then returns any answers to the owner of said comupter.
This was prompted in my mind by those sites that require you to enter an "on screen" code word to stop computers from entering the site.
I have never seen such a thing on Ab,so it would be possible for the above to happen.
Or I am just being neurotic.(Be kind with me please!) LOL


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A very pertinent point Zac!
As we haven't heard from Ethel for some time,the computer may have consumed her?
Zac why does everyone assume ethel is a woman?
I recall a few posts from her where she said noone had any means of contact with her and noone really knew if she was male or female and that was the power of keeping things secret.
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I think "nick" is just an ordinary person, but with no social skills, manners or courtesy :o)

and he/she/it doesn't care!
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Sorry Zac,
I hadn't come across your posts about Ethel the Computer.
Now I come to think of it,it seems you may be right.
Of course it's wrong to go only by username,BUT when they are called Ethel,or as (in my case) Mr.V,we have to assume they are the sex they seem to be?
BTW I AM Male(I think!)
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Sad, but probably true sara,
I just hope he's not British,as it doesn't say much for our education system!
Leggy...interesting point....but Mrs Chappie has said that she has spoken to Ethel and that Ethel is a woman.
From a medical point of view, she is quite interesting in that she is supposed to suffer from:

Myasthenia gravis...much commoner in women.

Raynaud's Disease....much commoner in women.

Profoundly deaf.......either sex.

Could be male or female, but money goes on female.

Mrs Chappie could supply the definitive answer.
Social skills appear to be unnecessary in this internet culture that is developing.The reason being you can type sincerity whilst laughing similarly you can type laughter whilst secretly being deeply hurt.

The internet provides the ability to masquerade as someone or something you are not.
hello Mr V, i quite enjoy irritating (i hope) old nick by answering his questions literally e.g. can you name a ......... a/ yes

no idea if it annoys him/her/computor but it makes me happy :-)

How is IAP?
Evening all.

I can confirm that Ethel is definitely female - I have spoken to her in the past, possibly after the posts leggy's referring to, regarding her having no contact with anyone from AB.

As I've said before, Ethel is profoundly deaf and does not like to talk on the telephone.

I've noticed she has not been around on AB lately, and she has not contacted me, so I hope she is just fed up of AB and is having a break.

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Is nickj1209,a computer?

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