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Kathyan | 15:15 Wed 15th Jul 2009 | News
11 Answers .stm

Do you think the Irish will vote no again?


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Hope so. They were sensible.
I suppose they'll keep making them repeat the referendum until the public comes up with the 'right' answer.
Hopefully not.

The existing voting mechanism is unwieldy and needs changing then with a bit of luck it can all be up and running before the end of the year.

Don't think Blair's a good candidate though far too devisive- and where did they dig up that photo of him?
They will vote NO again.

Since the last vote, the miracle of the Green Bubble has burst and their economy has contracted more than ours has. A lot of the reasons the Irish were told last time for voting YES have contracted with it.
latest surveys in Ireland disagree with you gromit

56% yes 28% No un/21/tories-europe-ireland
That poll was a month ago. The gap has shortened.
2:1 is a large gap to close
why should they have to vote again?

they said no so that should be the end of it.........but that would be democracy.
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I voted in a general election a few years ago... I expect I'll be voting in another one in the next year or so... being able to vote again and again sounds like more democracy to me, not less. You're free to repeat your previous vote if you want.
..correct - until they vote 'yes', at which point the referendums will stop, with no prospect of reversing the decision if it later proves to be a mistake - unlike the general election process.

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