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do statements hold

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jojojojoanne | 10:48 Thu 16th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
53 Answers
more weight than questions in general?or do questions lead to a stronger statement?


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can questioning be classed as intimidating?
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are questions essential for civilisation?
well it depends on the motive behind the questioning jo, you need a motive to ask a question, but i guess a survey designed to produce statistical information, that asks pertinent questions, could be deemed impartial.
"well it depends on the motive behind the questioning "

Now thats a mouthful and no doubt.
eh? stop trying to pick at what people write on here, try using your own thoughts.
jo, now you are confusing me, what civilisation????
Question Author
do we need to question so that the world progresses?
I went off to read the paper and look what happens...!!!
ummmmmmmmmm same old stuff form usual suspects.Thats why folk get angry and post about scum i guess?
yes jo jo, if Alexander Graham bell hadn't asked the question . 'can you hear me mother?' then we would not have t'internet

If George Best had not said to the ticket seller 'Manchester one way please' we would not have had the 1968 European Cup win.

If paul Mccartney had not asked John Lennon, 'who's Buddy Holly?' we would not have had the swinging sixties
oi legend, don't hide behind covert comments, if you think i had something to do with people having posts removed say so, i can easily tell you it was nothing to do with me , contact the ed and challenge his decision, don;t try to make trouble.
What source did you plagerise that from, dot?
I just typed it, just as i thought it, 'can you hear me mother?' was a catchphrase from an old radio show, my mum used to use it when we were kids. Alexander Graham Bell was never on the radio.
Dot i have no interest in who or what or why the editor removed threads.If you did have anything to do with it , and the only person eluding to that is you in denying it, then if that's a star on your happy chart or a feather in your cap i clap my hands in celebration for you.

But personally i don't care .I do however exercise the right to copy and re post anything that's been posted , as can any user on answer bank.


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do statements hold

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