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pericat | 18:29 Fri 17th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Why do my kids argue with me at every turn. I never argued with my mother - always did what I was told! You would think that once they grow up a bit and get to the ages of 12, 15 and 19 that they would know better and try to get along with me OR AM I NOT LIVING IN THE REAL WORLD ?


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I have a 12 and 15 year old and find it's easier to keep them apart.

preferably in different countries.
Simples meekat.

Years a go one could give them a bl00dy good hiding and then they would have to decide if arguing was worth the thrashing that would be coming to them.

Now?........well you know the rest.
pericat - my 19 year old son always has to have the last word - he always is in the right, thinks I patronise him when I speak - like you I never dared argue with my Mum, otherwise I would have got a clout.
Bowl of porridge................pot of honey...............or some fish!

I'm easily convinced.

( well, it is Friday, eh?)


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So you are all saying there is no hope I am doomed to teenagers for at least 10 more years - I will need lots of chocolate if I have any hope of surviving. Fish fingers ok equaliser ?
ive got an 18 and a 12 year old and i could say the grass is green and they will say its blue,
they dont come with instructions unfortunatley, just think one day they will have kids
and you can take great pleasure in seeing them go through the same thing your going through now
yep, thanks, pericat favourite!

Its cos you never locked them in the cupboard under the stairs.

Sadly squid is right , disobedient children are the result of their enviroment.

Imagine what they say to folk that arent related to them or do their cooking and washing !!

compare the meeerkat dot haukessssssssss
jeepers my 15 and 16yrs old sons jokingly argue with me. A look seems to let them know they've gone too far or are stretching the point. A sense of humour has helped me with them peri. good luck, just enjoy the toe-rags :D
Sadly my eldest is now of age where she tells me what I should or should not be doing.......even worse she is sometimes right.....
Cfart thats the problem with CHAVETTES you cant tell em anything as they know it all .

One thing my daughter is not leggy is a Chavette.......pmsl just thinking of it....
Yeah cfaert tell that to the guy at the local chippy.

He cant get peace from her and her crew

wicked mahnn innit ??
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Well thanks you lot - you have given me enough hope to go jump off a cliff but first I am off to dinner for wedding anniversary. Talk to you later while I am hanging by a nail from the cliff edge.

Compare the meerket Dot haules Simples

is that all you have to say?

Fear me my disciple!
personally, after raising 4, it only stops when they leave home and then they appreciate what they had. one day they just turn into decent adults. dont give up, they are all lippy. yours are no different than most other peoples. think of it as them having a point of view and not cheek it helps.

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