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Fook you all

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noway2 | 23:35 Fri 17th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
I've tried,but failed.
I'm sorry.

I resigne.

Sort your-selves out

Or your shelves

I give up.


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Well I would say that the clown is whiffey as well as I have said earlier on tonight
No point in saying anything noway. The language is reminiscent of a 15 year old who's sneaked too much alcohol.
Thta was to Bob BTW lol -thought you had gone no way sorry !!
samsad sack and nowya should be ignored they are abusers and support the klown

whos just posted he hopes pastys daughter dies in a car crash.

they are as sick as him

ignore the scumbags they are filth



Fri 17/07/09

No point in saying anything noway. The language is reminiscent of a 15 year old who's sneaked too much alcohol.


Yep that will be whiffey then icy
noway is reminiscent of the school bullys henchman icey

beware of the scumbag
I don't converse with noway leg I know that he is scum on here as most people are realising now
And I still think that he could be dabbes the little fairy w'anker
Don't be silly Bob whiffy will be with some 14 year old rent boy. Him and dabees like to share things
Wheres the thread Leg -so i can copy it for the Ed as no-one is prepared to report tonight it would seem ??

I have done plenty -Leg has plenty, Pasta has (I suspect) plenty, Trout has reported but the stupid abusive idiot is still here??

Dont complain if you wont take the steps to delete him.
Whiffey wouldnt post this sh!t if youre talking about the Klown.I know he riles you lot but he isnt malicious.

If it is him then I would be disappointed in him but i'm sure its not.
Oi gravy you might have made the name ***********.

Morning drissy
Sorry math but the starred out word was sgt c0ckless
Drissy I would not be to sure about that as he is capable of doing anything.

He is a scytso and has so many split personalitys (and you just try spelling that at 0.01 hours in the morning)
Morning Knobster and lol @ yer spelling -I love it just the way it is lol.

No Whiffy wouldnt post like that -I know thats not what the haters want to hear but its not his style.I dont know for a fact -who does?. I just know he is generally a wind-up merhant who happens to be witty -that Klown was a dirty bast*rd

He is a scytso

Is that a professional scythe user you illiterate inbred tw@t???
Ignore the vermin

ignore the vermin
oh earlier it was help report the clown im sh1tting my extra baggy tent pants in fear!!!!!!!!!!!

Ignore the vermin

ignore the vermin

Ignore the vermin

ignore the vermin
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Legg how can we ignore the vermin,when you keep cropping up.RAT

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