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What's the best roller coaster you've ever been on ?

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pericat | 22:48 Sat 18th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
76 Answers
And don't say life !


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Ok, craft.

It did also seem a terrible waste of a bottle of wine !
thanx love....nice one...

remember the 3 'core conditions' careful out there...
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hmmm...that and 'wh0res' by the sounds of it...
Hi guys....!
id say early 40s and single razzer
What happens at an "old foggies home" ?

Is the weather constantly a bit misty ???

Thanks love.......not giving me enough now to hold my interest any more............
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it cant think fast Razz....its mind is foggy....old memories etc...

the mind may forget but the body never does!! x
Legend I think your closer than Silk....sorry. but I'd go late 30's ealry 40's maybe single but defo with attachment issues.
For your information my mother works with patients with similar problems to you :-)
i bow down to the knowledge of the Razz....



can i get up now??? lol
Corkscrew - Seaworld, Gold Coast, Australia ollercoaster.htm

It is incredibly smooth. Highly recommended for those who don't think they like roller coasters.

110 kph loop followed by a triple helical rotation. It is quite amazing from the back seat to see the front car enitrely upside down.
Yeah Silk I know that foggy feeling on a Saturday night. Thank fcuk the body remembers or I'd never make my way home with the mind
lol @ dirty razzer
beso....that is some roller would not get me on that for all the whiskey in Scotland! My kids would love it though!

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