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China Doll | 14:47 Sun 19th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
Did I read that you were off to Thailand in a few days or something recently? When are you off and how long for?

Yes... I'm aware I'm nosey.



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whoever would have thought we would see china being nosey?

good morning Patricia
Hey China... 'or something'... middle of November for a couple of months if all goes to plan...
how do you spell
Question Author
Chuck - I know, it's practically unheard of! ;0)

TT - I'm not sure which name suits you more, they're both so apt! Patricia is my mother though so I don't quite understand that one..

Snags - Cool! I thought you might be off soon so I wanted to say goodbye and best wishes before you vanished as I might miss your input on here ever such a teeny tiny bit..ahem... But I guess it can wait til November!
Awww thanks China... I'll send you a postcard... or some 'Gai Med Ma Moung' ;-)
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Yummy! :c)
I'll say have a good time now if ya dont mind...probably forget who you are by november... :-p

Have a great time....x
Off for some "bungalow boom boom I love you longtime" then Snags?
''probably forget who you are by november...''

lol... we both know you've forgotten who I am already :-)
Good luck Snaggly one - havn't dropped off the earth completely then !! xx
Hello Athley....long time no read on here :-)

How was London?

Snags.....I'm not saying anything about Thailand as it's making me jealous :-(
Hello Athers! How ya doing?
It's like a reunion in here :-)
I'll never forget you really... :-))x

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Awww... There is some love left on AB after all...
lots of it.........its just left over.... :-(
there is plenty until a certain circus creature gets involved :-)
Hi ummmm - London was great thanks - had problems posting on here earlier so gave up (tut!) Hiya to Joby & BM too ya pair of mutts :o)

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