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ReallyLegend | 21:16 Sun 19th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
spoilt useless lazy brats

watch this
its unbelievable

1 girl couldnt cook a tin of beans

another didnt know where hot water came from and thought it lasted forever



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I'm watching BBC4 but I've taken a quick look at BBC3, to see what you're on about.

It reminds me of being a 4th year student at college when we got a load of 1st year PE students allocated to our corridor in our hall of residence. From the minute they arrived they were all clearly looking down upon those of us who were less athletic than they were (even though we 4th year students had already got our teaching qualifications and they hadn't even attended their first lectures). They were noisy, boisterous and arrogant. Then, on the first evening, there was a knock on my door and one of those same PE students was standing there, clasping a jar of Nescaf�, asking "Can you tell me what I do with this, please?"
They haven't a they????

glad they're not least she could cook at that age...
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dogan the club owners son is a total pr�ck

his attitude to his manager was outrageous

hes made nothing of himself hes an idle sh�t
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orion is a camp t�t

my mum pays for everything

if mummy wasnt around

whod pay my mortgage?�?�
a flea has a bigger brain than that dozey girl...
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omg shes in tears

the blonde cant say pate

t's 'pahhhhtaaayyy'....
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the parents cant even see how bad they are

they are useless
Ha! Theres an 18 year old in my work whos parents are off on a two week long holiday somewhere, she was asking us all where to get the nicest microwavable food because she cant cook. Though shes such a lovely kid! She would be able to do complex mathematical equations and knows all about politics but has only recently learned about the dial on the toaster that controls the time. Shes absolutely adorable though!
Decorative but non-functional......a great start to life then.....
Her parents better hope their house is still standing 2 weeks hence....
I was thinking the same thing lol! Another friend of mine once set her kitchen on fire via the toaster!!

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