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2nd in the League ... Yaayyy

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joggerjayne | 12:09 Mon 20th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I've just looked at Football League One.

(yep ... quiet day at work)

Until the matches start, the teams are placed alphabetically ... so Brighton are 2nd ... Yaaaayyyyyy.

This may be our best placing all season, so let me make the most of it.


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And finish last!!!!!
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I'll be really sad if we finish last ...

my team are 2nd bottom and haven't kicked a ball yet, well at least only one team get relegated from our league
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What's that, steg ?
i support St Johnstone, a small team from Perth. We won the Scottish 1st division last season and now in the Scottish Premier league. Alphabetically we are 2nd bottom above St Mirren just now. Hope we manage a top six place but it will be a hard season. Only 1 team gets relegated from the Scots Prem
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Brighton survived relegation with a goal in the final minutes of the final game last season.

It was agony !

We need to keep up around the middle of the table ...

... pleeeeeeease !!!
i would bet that when the final whistle went tho', the Brighton fans would of got a better buzz than the Man U fans got winning the premiership

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2nd in the League ... Yaayyy

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