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sn�gs | 15:37 Thu 23rd Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
find this advert a little creepy? A bit 'Pied Piper'ish...


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thats just garbage snags.the advert i meant

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I find it unnerving but don't know why... maybe I should stick to Guinness...
he looks kinda like the child catcher in chitty bang bang

kinda like i pictured squidddler

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''he looks kinda like the child catcher in chitty bang bang''

That's it... Pied Piper wasn't quite right...
Those people need to learn to dance! They look like they are having some sort of bad acid
I want one!!!!!!! lol
I think I went to that gig... it's a bit of a blur...

I actually quite liked the hat and the cute little thingys but no amount of them would induce me to drink full fat coke, vile stuff...
The first bit is reminisent of the monty python sketch with the mice !!
... and the man with the mallets, LOL

I don't mind the's the comments underneath that are unnerving........."awesome!!!"..

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