hiya my guinea pig has diarea ( terrible spelling I know) he is totally off his food too I can get him to eat very small amounts of his museli but i cant even tempt him to have a piece of carrot which is usually one of his faves he has been to the vet this morning and she said that he is underweight and that he needs fattening up a bit what can I do to tempt him a bit more??? and what are the most fattening things for them to eat? Any help on this would be great thanks xxx
Did the vet do any tests babybops? Diarrhoea can be caused by quite a few things, and can be fatal to guinea pigs.
Also make sure that his toilet area's covered in sawdust or something which's absorbant and can be regularly cleaned up, because this can spread other diseases.
Hope he'll soon be well again.
the vet didnt run any tests as such they checked his heart and teeth and all the rest of it I have been keeping his cage ultra clean it doesnt seem to be running out of him just dirtying his bum a bit he is still doing poos they are a little bit smaller and dark im tempting him with plenty of greens at the mo too I know that it can be fatal and thats the worrying thing but she said if anything else happens to go straight back to them
yes he has fresh hay daily but we dont bed them on it because of mites he seems to be improving today and he seems a bit more like himself his poos still are on the small side but we are keeping a very close eye on him.