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Are you stressed out? Do you need to vent your frustrations?

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China Doll | 11:15 Fri 24th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
88 Answers
If so, why not try calling Vibrae names?

He loves it, he wants it so lets insult the northen love monkey!



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''I'll pass on ya regards shall I...?''

If you could... 'word for word'...
Haha, I was completely thrown by that Jo :)

and I'm not snobby - in a none snobby sort of way! :p
I shall........expect a parcel thru ya door.......prob full of
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I read eye bulger as a black eye but on reflection, I don't think that's likely.

And what's wrong in paying by card at liddels?! I virtually never carry cash so how else would I pay?
Lore 'never' goes to lidl's..pmsl....

Snags....he loves ya really... :-))
I almost got thrown out of the shop for being such a chancer, China. For some unknown reason, they don't accept cards at the Lidl joby frequents.
hey you.....Ive been chucked outta there more times than youve been in.... :-))

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