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zzxxee | 13:48 Fri 24th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
what words would you have on your grave stone?
thought spike milligans "see told you i was ill" was genius


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" you had me in your life
did i intrude?
now it dont matter
i am worm food
A star on earth, and now a star in heaven
Blimey, tears r stinging my eyes reading them, how lovely.

Mine would be "Almost but not quite" xx
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awww peebee
Sorry peebee x
Interview was excellent, we had a giggle, answered all the questions perfect, could see that they where pleased with me. They said they would only ring if i got the job, anyway few hrs later they rang, she thanked me 4 an excellent interview, said i had a wonderful personality (I was like, have they rang the right person lol), lovely person whom would b a pleasure to work with.....BUT lol, I never got that job but she said another post was coming up wud i be interested?? Said yes, was a bit gutted but hey what feedback to get from her! I only lost out coz this woman had worked in a school b4. There where 6 of us invited for interviews but a sh!t load had applied.

Do you think i deserve a pat on the back guys??

Also there where 4 of them interviewing me, the headmistress, head of governers, finance manager & other manager.

Just wanted to share that with you all after your helpful advice, thanx agen xxx
For a virgin -" returned unopened"
Erm Connemmara, pat on the back please, lol
the last few lines from laudatio turiae (tribute to turia from her husband quintus, written circa 1st C. BC) are the best part of a very very very long epitaph�..

Natural sorrow wrests away my power of self-control and I am overwhelmed by sorrow. I am tormented by two emotions: grief and fear-and I do not stand firm against either. When I go back in though to my previous misfortunes and when I envisage what the future may have in store for me, fixing my eyes on your glory does not give me strength to bear my sorrow with patience. Rather I seem to be destined to long mourning.

The conclusion of my speech will be that you deserved everything but that it did not fall to my lot to give you everything as I ought; Your last wishes I have regarded as law; whatever it will be in my power to do in addition, I shall do.

I pray that your Di Manes* will grant you rest and protection.�

* - The Gods

and one of these for peebee� mpshire/Pony_Manure_Cow_Pat_Field_IMG_3376.jpg

PMSL, does that mean i am a pile of sh!t ankou? Lol
& my Cow PAT on the back lol
The four weddings and a funeral poem.......*******/poems/aude n.stop.html _auden_stop_all_the_clocks.htm

This one doesn't contain the word 'c00ney' in the URL
-- answer removed --
I have awakened from my slumber
As after 4 I'll have your Number
I'm alive when you thought me dead
Because I am your AB Ed

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