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swine flu

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zzxxee | 13:28 Fri 24th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
im feeling soooooooooooo much better thanks to everyones kind wishes over the last few days kissy kissy to you all xx


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Great news zzxxee x
hi zzxxee,
glad you feel better x
Question Author
thank youuuuuuuuuuuu xx
That is good news! :) x
Glad to hear that , take care xxx
Question Author
thankyou lady bird and lore
Glad your feeling better zzxxee, now get off ur back & clean the house lols
Question Author
yes maam
Good Girl xxx
Hi zzxxee I'm sorry to read that you've been poorly and hope you're over the worst of it.

(haysi reaches for the antibacterial cleanser and cleans the keyboard) ;P
glad you are feeling better!!!

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