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sexless relationships

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sidewinder86 | 20:54 Fri 24th Jul 2009 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Could you or do you, live in a sexless relationship?
How important is sex in a relationship to you?
Ladies... if your guy became impotant, how do you deal with it (no viagra jokes, pleeeeease)
Gents... if you lady went of sex (for whatever reason) how would you deal with it?
If your partner went of sex and put off seeking any kind of help, how would you react?
Gay / lesbian couples, same question, how do you deal with it?
On a similar note, how do you deal with a partner who isnt as sexually adventurous as your self, eg. you like different positions whereas your partner will only make love in one position?
Thanks for any (useful) replies.


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ok if my chap became impotant i think you have to look at the reasons, if it were irreversable because of an accident, then love would conquer all, and you have to find otherways of expressing your love,
if it were cos of a problem i would seek relasionship councilling
if it was cos he was a dirty cheating scumbag i would make him permanantly impotent anyway
In a nutshell:

Both partners like problem

Both partners don't want problem.

One partner NEEDS sex and the other doesn't......big problem.

The important thing is, how do you deal with the 3rd possibility?
does this make me frankenstein?
vibrater for a woman?
blow up dolly for chap??
zzxxee.....noKno..........two of many possibilities.
or an open relasionship if both partners agree
i was referring to your user name sqad

is sex primarily a physical act? in answer to the question either one of two options split up or stay together because of emotional entanglements
Throughout our relationship my wife and I have always been a great match sexually. The sex has always been so good that we respond to each other very easily. Positive reinforcement from the experience is the key.

Sex is important in this relationship but I can imagine another type of relationship where sex was not so important.

If my wife went off sex completely I probably would be less in need of it as well. I don't see it happening any time soon even though we do it less than we used to. It is so so pleasant.

Even our fantasies have run parallel courses until one day we try something different and find we have both been wanting to try it for a while. you fit into sqad problem.

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