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Rescue by SAS?

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Cheesefreek | 13:48 Sun 26th Jul 2009 | News
7 Answers
Does anyone remember a few years ago, an American being rescued by British soldiers (possibly the SAS) swooping in on a helicopter while he was being held in a house, blindfolded and tied up. I think it was in Afghanistan, rather than Iraq. I think a spy plane had spotted him being taken to this particular house. I have a vivid memory of this, but can find no reference to it. Thanks


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I know the film 'Black Hawk Down' is fairly similar in what you describe. That was in Somalia though and the film depicts US special forces doing the rescue (obviously!)
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No Bool - this definitely happened. It was on the news, and it was the Brits who rescued the American. Wish I could find out about it. I'm usually good at looking up on Google, but this one has me stumped.
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Thanks - but this isn't it either. It was one man on his own, and the kidnappers were taken by surprise. I think there was a gunfight. My son tells me he remembers it too, but we don't know enough details to look it up. It's just one of those things that I HAVE to find, for no particular reason except peace of mind!!
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e.crespo - my hero - yes that's the very one. Thanks for making an old woman very happy. I can now obsess about something else. So good to read the story again.

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Rescue by SAS?

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