Well I hope its positive news z! Let us know if it is wont you?
My day, things have happened at work & I told my boss I'd be interested in a transfer to another building. He's well aware of the 'problem' He asked for a meeting today. He wasn't around early as usual & when I did see him I was near to finishing my shift & no mention of the meeting he'd called!!! Naturally I was annoyed. I have since heard on the grapevine from a new lad who has just started here, he wants me to take his floor & have him do mine. Makes me feel very uncomfortable to be honest, although I've since found out I've been doing what amounts to a full timers job on part time hours, in other words doing the work of a full timer! I could go on z but I wont. I'm very sorry about 'your' news z.! It's a blow, I see you have family xxx