These clues are for place names which could be countries, cities or towns. E.g. meadow full of cooks is Sheffield. 1. Where Batman Buys his outfit. 2. A letter and a number. 3. Shop selling ready to eat food. 4. i used to own a guardening tool. 6. part of a ship where explosives are stored. 7. almost an animation. 8. without warning. 9. are you able to? 10. not false. 11. areas in a lower position. 12. interfere with. 13. my french friend. 14. purchase neckwear. 15. tying up pig meet. 16. you are a bloke 17.god is a nuisance. 18. inside bambi. 19. naked mother. 20. python film 21. type of music.
Harry - no, I took an instant dislike to this thread, if it's just for fun then why bother (it's 21 clues for goodness sake, simply admit it's not the quiz for you), and if there's more to it than that then it's simply contemptible.
If you feel it is your duty to inform people of your detestation of this thread then by all means. i will be content in the knowledge that 80/100 were done without assistance, and that any help made from this site into the comprehension last twenty was very much appreciated.