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Beware: Dangermouse.

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Bbbananas | 15:03 Tue 28th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
I have just read about a patient who reported being electrocuted by her mouse.

I had visions of all sorts of radioactive rodents, and wired-up weasels until I realised she meant her computer mouse. This, apparently, happened because of a lightning strike during a thunderstorm.

Is this possible? Sounds a bit iffy to me....


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I've never heard of a dangerous mouse but my daft old gran in the Outer Hebrides believed you would get electrocuted if you were on the phone during a storm. When my dad had had enough of talking to her he would start to make ' thunder ' noises and she would hang up - worked every time!
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Brilliant Yin - I must try that with my mother!
-- answer removed --
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Bejeezus - I'd never thought of that.

Must warn JJ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Beware: Dangermouse.

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