Graham's Change A Letter Quiz
Can anyone please help me with the answers to the following clues?
19. To alter, Skilled at doing something
24. A phrase characteristic to a particular language, A fool
79. Nearby, To pulverise into a powder
80. Bowl-shaped, To communicate information
84. Feelings of resentment towards somebody, Fusion of punk and metal music
104. A cave usually visited in December, Dirty
107. Fond of physical exercise, Suffering from acne
108. Ensnared, Educated
109. A brass instrument, A buzzing insect
117. Bitten, Had a sneaky look
118. To grow bigger, To use up energy
119. A small task a person is asked to perform, Prone to making mistakes
122. To shoot at ground targets from an aircraft, Brief violent conflict
125. A sport, Another sport
134. Extreme pleasure, To burst
140. Hitting, Washing
156. Hitched a lift, Punched
164. To make darker, Area covered in tall ferns
165. To annoy or tease unkindly, A fast-moving stream of water
168. A projectile, A written message
172. Stated the meaning of a word, Showing good taste
175. Rewards offered by governments for specific acts, Canadian law enforcers
180. Expansion or increase in size, Thinning of a liquid by adding water
188. In the correct manner, Buildings
189. Undergarments, Functional parts of a door
191. Very small, The end of the line