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What advice would you give you're 20 something self

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karma22 | 14:45 Thu 30th Jul 2009 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
knowing the things you know now

and what things do you know now that you wished you had known then


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craft, lol!
Don't be afraid to try asparagus. It's really quite nice and it has aphrodisiac qualities.

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Vibra - all good advice there for sure
dont have kids so young
Never wear your heart on your sleeve...A moving target is more fun and harder to catch.

Don't dye your hair blonde, it doesn't suit you, you'll look like a 2$ ***** and won't realise it until you look back at old photos.

Have more sex at uni.

Take less drugs at uni and you might get a 2:1... Not that you'll ever use it particularly so sod it, have a ball...

Don't listen to your mother... No danger of that.

Always listen to your father...

That smart mouth will get you out of as much trouble as it gets you so don't worry.

Start exercising at a young age.

Don't smoke.

-- answer removed --
Choose a hobby
Nice thread karma!
reminds me of those 'Back to the future' films ;0) x

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What advice would you give you're 20 something self

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