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Water retention!

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kezia_88 | 15:56 Mon 20th Jun 2005 | Body & Soul
1 Answers

I have heard that using medicherb aqualette, which helps you lose excess water while on a calorie controlled diet can help you and is good for you! Can anyone please double check that what I am going to put into my body will be fine?  There is a link below to check them out at:


thaks I really appreciate all help!




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if it is an effective diuretic then I wouldn't think that it will help you to lose actual weight, although if you do tend to bloat in the heat or at set times in the month,it could get you into a tight dress for a special occasion. Healthy bodies are self regulating when it comes to water...if you pee more then you will drink more and if you control what you drink, then you run the risk of cystitis and (at worst case) kidney trouble. Best way to balance fluid levels when dieting is to keep your water intake up, that way the body won't try to go into drought mode and retain water....sorry

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Water retention!

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