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I's been keeping me amused as well and I haven't got the house work done.
I was a bit hungover this morning and I'm covered in bruises so I'm having a lazy day.
Jesus,if the woman aint done the housework then you can bet that she aint washed her p*ssy either,,im betting her flange smells like rancid kippers right about now,i can just imagine her lying down on the sofa amongst used nappies and empty pot noodle pots fag in one hand special brew in the other,dirty disheveled kids half naked running in and out the house playing on top of the broken washing machines and shopping trolleys in the front garden throwing stones at passers by as the grunt and wave their fists in a prehistoric fashion............scruffy string vested drunk husband just released from the police station for knocking her about last night after catching 6 illegal immigrants having sex with her............