Hi, Im planning on having my Implanon contraceptive implant removed at the end of this year, in preparation to start a family in Spring next year after we marry in April. What i want to know is, once the implant is removed woud I bleed straight away or would it take some weeks? I am just trying to time the removal as best I can to avoid having my period on my wedding day/ honeymoon!! And if for the sake of removing the implant a few days either earlier or later to avoid this then would be helpful to know. Would be grateful to hear anyone elses experience of this.. Also, once I have had my first period, would my cycle then get back to normal and regular or can it take some months to settle down? Thanks all :)
Chasing cars....there is, unfortunately no rule of thumb. Your peroids MAY resort to normal immediately, or it may take up to 6months to normalise......sorry.