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1851 Scottish Census

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cockatiel | 21:45 Sun 02nd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I was looking for info on the 1851 Scottish census.
The person's occupation was ' Seller of Andries & Hasintorest In Hg Failing Haran' !!!.
I can't view the actual census record to see if there are any misspellings. Would anyone have any idea what that occupation would be.


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what area was this in? Was this in a fishing village or port?
Hasintorest In Hg Failing.
Could this be a misspelling of, "Has interest in Haggis Farming"???
lol love it!
I am thinking 'seller of sundries and has interest in l[ar]g[e] sailing ---------'

'Failing' possibly is a mis-transcription of farming but it does depend on the region this is from
Hi cockatiel,
I have access to Scotlands People,where I may be able to see the actual written Census entry.
If you can give me some more details I will have a look for you.
Of course even handwritten it may not make sense,but we can try! LOL

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1851 Scottish Census

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