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NoK | 01:40 Mon 03rd Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
interesting Paellas

3 stars for the most interesting Paella


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tight bukker, nothing away! stars!
night no mercy

oi NK self praise is no praiise

heres my stars
Right - next time he's on,. he gets none. Let him self-star for a few weeks! : )
lets boycott his threads til he gives us all stars!!
That meatloaf looks the most tempting one so far ice maiden, I wonder whats on for tomorrow night goulash.
ah thanks mr V x
I'm sorry NoK, but if you really thought I had nothing better to do than google 'paella' then I'm glad you pi$$ed off to bed.

I had lunches to make I'll have you know...!!!
reported...........dishonest thread!
Reported........... Fishonest thread!
It's very sad that my first attempt looked like a joint of beef KIDD. It was supposed to be stuffed with paella...but.....alas, and I can't find where I spotted it again now!
You expect us to believe that??????

And yes pink - I shall boycott nok's threads until he dishes out stars, or talks about gnomes. He made me laugh about the latter once, and everytime I go into the gardening section, i think about what he put. LOL!
Please share what did be put bout gnomes???
Beef you say, well I may well have lied and said that it looked like paella but if it tasted like beef you'd be a star.
c'mon Ice....spill; I've got some gnomes hiding under a bush.
Well will someone please tell my mummy that I may be dim sometimes, but my eyesight's perfect! For that, I shall now make a dinner consisting of a joint of beef, stuffed with paella. Hmph.
: )

Well i've remarked on it before pink. Someone put a serious thread up in gardening once - about what was best to put between rows of beans and something else. NoK came up with gnomes!
As I just stumbled on it by accident, a graphic vision came into my mind, and it just struck me as hilarious. I hate garden gnomes anyway. I've got about half a dozen of the bl00dy things, which a friend's been giving me every year as a Christmas present!! Mwhahahaaaa!!!

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