My friend sent an e birthday card but when I click the link all I get is a blank screen. Also I have trouble seeing video clips on some sites like sky news. Some sites have pictures missing,just a blank space with a little cross in the corner. And I get a message at the bottom of the scree saying, Done, but with errors on page. Can anybody help?
A word of warning, please be very careful about clicking these sort of links. I would say don't. They may put all sorts of nasties on your machine. Only do this if you know the source.
Re the video clips, perhaps your browser needs an extra plug-in like Media Player or Quick time or Adobe Flash etc. Firefox will tell you what it needs. Perhaps the View Images has been switched off to speed up surfing.
Thanks,I will try what you said. Where do I find view images?
My friend really did send an e card cos she e mailed me first.
I do know what you mean thou.I get a few from "me" or the "greeting card co." saying i have received a card. They all go directly to Spam,
Thanks again
Some folks switch off all images in browsers. Not sure why you would want to do that unless you had an old 386, though it does load pages quicker with no graphics. Not sure what browser you have but here's some links: n_web_browsing.php