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All time break up hate up what if song �?�?�?�?

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total.legend | 03:43 Fri 07th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
We all know justin still loves britney.

We all know briney wnts him sooooooooooo much.


W ealso know too many tears been cried in the river and the waters passed under the bridge

Will britney ever really get over justin?�?�

will he ever be able to forget her �?�
trousa snake


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I'm sure they'll never forget each other, but get over each other....eventually.
Anyway - time's up for me, so I'll say night night to you Leggy. pasta. tamb, pink if she's still around. : )
awww nite icey....would email good night to all......but now THATs frozen!!!! waarrgghhh!!

Nite leggy..sweet dreams....xxxxxxx

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