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the weather is bleedin lovely here in bristol

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zzxxee | 15:14 Fri 07th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
what a welcome change do you think we will have a summer at last???


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tell me about it - off to barnstaple soon though if I don't find a job but want to end up back in Taunton at some point x
Lets pray for rain up 'ere in Yorkshire...England are getting battered by the Aussies
I feel left out.....

Mind you, I did spend a weekend in Berkeley - All tractors and gun dogs.
don't live there any more A guest trapped in the midlands now. the curzon's still going strong though!
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your most welcome to be an honary carrot cruncher postdog lol
Nah, too quiet down that way. Thanx anyway.
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your welcome xx
Postdog it's embarrassing......and not a rain cloud in sight in York......
I did have a lovely trip around the castle and the butterfly sanctuary tho, plus the trip past the power station and swimming in Thornbury.

Cos I wake early tho (habit now) my main memory is of the dogs in the local hunt kennels barking at 5am, and that was from a bit away. it was very eerie.

Plus I saw more tractors in those two days than I've seen all my life.
Hi z, been fantastic here in Manchester too x

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